
Where the women at?

I have a night out every three months or so where I invite all my consultant colleagues out for a beer and pizza. We share it around different people’s houses and whoever’s house it is gets to choose the date. But it’s a « boys » night out. One of my female colleagues rolled her […]


Different strokes

I had a conversation the other day with someone (who if they read this will know who they are I suspect) who is different to me. But we have a respect for each other, a respect for the different facets of our personalities that bring different assets to the party. We are both effective in […]


A professional mid life crisis…

Haven’t written much recently – couldn’t really think of anything to write about. But I made a comment on twitter about being 45 and organising my retirement. Got me to thinking! Whilst I still can that is – but that’s perhaps another blog. I’ve been to a couple of presentations over the years at conferences […]


How do you want to die? The most important question most of us never ask…

I’m assuming most of the people reading this are medics or related so when I ask the question: “have you seen someone die?” Most will say yes. But if you haven’t, considering it comes to everybody, if you die in a hospital, which most of us do. Then it’s not necessarily going to be that […]


The Hardest Shift

This is a reflection on a week in time recently where I ended up doing three “Duty” shifts. That means I’m running the floor. I work in a tertiary referral centre, so a hospital that accepts the more complicated stuff. It’s also a trauma centre and covers an area the size of England… We have […]

Sci Fi

Void Light

The thump was felt throughout the ship, followed by an alert in all our ocular implants. The ship AI immediately closed bulk head doors and flashed internal cameras to the forward screens. Something had hit the ship with enough velocity that it had cleared our passive electrostatic shielding, been fast enough to avoid debris lasers, […]


How angry led to a better me…

I’ve told this story many times, usually as a demonstration of the trials and tribulations in life. Back story then – I moved to NZ when I was 33. I loved it but for various reasons my wife did not. She asked to move back to the UK to which I acquiesced – we had […]

Mountain Biking

EBike – I bought an E-MTB…

Like many things in our modern existence it would appear that ebikes are somewhat polarising. I was in Wales last year and had a last minute visit to Bike Park Wales. The uplift was full so a friend of mine said: “Why don’t you hire an ebike?” Good idea I thought, so I did. The […]


Parenting… AKA what the hell do I know.

Really – I haven’t got a fucking clue, there are plenty of books if you want advice from random strangers off the internet…


Civility – #BeKind and that sort of thing…

Now for a bit of a context the cotton anniversary, whichever one that is – can’t be arsed to look it up, resulted in my wife buying me a t-shirt with the word CYNIC across the front. I used to wear it as a badge of pride but now I’m a little embarrassed. Besides I’m […]