
Why good things happen to bad people…

I was teaching an SRMO the other day. We were discussing the new idea of two person confirmation of tracheal intubation. (A la Dr Tim Cook and the case of Glenda Lonsdale, a name that should go into the anaesthetic lexicon along with Elaine Bromiley and Gordon Ewing) to avoid unrecognised oesophageal intubation. We used […]


Awake fibre optic intubation (AFOI)

I’ve had an interesting few weeks around this subject – enough thoughts that a twitter thread seemed a bit painful… It’s long been known that anaesthetists avoid doing AFOI‘s – the national audit project in the UK demonstrated that, despite solid indications for AFOI multiple occurrences led to bad outcomes because it was avoided. The […]


A professional mid life crisis…

Haven’t written much recently – couldn’t really think of anything to write about. But I made a comment on twitter about being 45 and organising my retirement. Got me to thinking! Whilst I still can that is – but that’s perhaps another blog. I’ve been to a couple of presentations over the years at conferences […]


How do you want to die? The most important question most of us never ask…

I’m assuming most of the people reading this are medics or related so when I ask the question: “have you seen someone die?” Most will say yes. But if you haven’t, considering it comes to everybody, if you die in a hospital, which most of us do. Then it’s not necessarily going to be that […]


The Hardest Shift

This is a reflection on a week in time recently where I ended up doing three “Duty” shifts. That means I’m running the floor. I work in a tertiary referral centre, so a hospital that accepts the more complicated stuff. It’s also a trauma centre and covers an area the size of England… We have […]


Civility – #BeKind and that sort of thing…

Now for a bit of a context the cotton anniversary, whichever one that is – can’t be arsed to look it up, resulted in my wife buying me a t-shirt with the word CYNIC across the front. I used to wear it as a badge of pride but now I’m a little embarrassed. Besides I’m […]


Why did I do anaesthetics?

Actually that question should be prefaced by why did I do medicine? Well I never thought of anything else – before I knew the university course was called medicine I wanted to be a doctor. Probably from the age of about 9 or 10. Which makes me very lucky in some respects. It meant that […]


Social Media and Medicine

My colleagues still look at me funny when I present something at a meeting and say “I found this on twitter.” When you’re on twitter as I have I have been for some time now, you assume everybody is. But I’m in a small nerdy minority it seems. There are good things and oh boy […]