The trouble with the future was how hard it has become to kill anyone. Well it was still easy to kill people just much harder to get away with it. Humans are filthy, as most animals are, shedding skin cells and hair left, right and centre. A single cell is enough to identify you, let […]
Why good things happen to bad people…
I was teaching an SRMO the other day. We were discussing the new idea of two person confirmation of tracheal intubation. (A la Dr Tim Cook and the case of Glenda Lonsdale, a name that should go into the anaesthetic lexicon along with Elaine Bromiley and Gordon Ewing) to avoid unrecognised oesophageal intubation. We used […]
Been a while as my lack of having anything interesting to impart has stopped me from writing. This post has been percolating in the back of my mind but I never really realised it. But as one does I was chatting to my anaesthetic nurse the other day and she mentioned a book she was […]
An ex pat reflection
First of all don’t feel obliged to read this. It’s a reflection on heading back to the UK after 4 years away. Some of it is just to get my thoughts out and some of it is as a souvenir, which is the french word for memory. Haven’t seen mum since 2018 and my brother […]
Can anaesthetists communicate?
As usual I struggle to think of something to write about and twitter provides! @sassistheword was engaging with some individuals who suggested that of course she couldn’t communicate as a lowly anaesthetist… Got me to thinking, it’s a common trope after all. Not helped by most of the public not realising that (in Australia and […]
This is going to hurt
I’ll start with a disclaimer, because most of the commentary on twitter is positive about the above I feel like I might be perceived as “having a go.” Which is why I’m writing here to explain some nuance that can’t be generated in 280 characters. I am white, male and middle class. I understand the […]
Awake fibre optic intubation (AFOI)
I’ve had an interesting few weeks around this subject – enough thoughts that a twitter thread seemed a bit painful… It’s long been known that anaesthetists avoid doing AFOI‘s – the national audit project in the UK demonstrated that, despite solid indications for AFOI multiple occurrences led to bad outcomes because it was avoided. The […]
Ho Hum
As can be seen if you frequent this site my blog posts are sporadic. I heard Matt Farah, a US motoring journalist, comment the other day that he often gets asked to critique stuff. He mentioned that often there’s an initial flurry of getting all the ideas out. This then followed by a deafening silence […]
Lance Armstrong
So I watched the Lance Armstrong documentary from ESPN a couple of days ago, I’d been wondering what I wanted to write about for a little while and if there’s ever a divisive person Lance is it. I got into watching the Tour de France when I met my wife (which was 17 years ago) […]