As can be seen if you frequent this site my blog posts are sporadic. I heard Matt Farah, a US motoring journalist, comment the other day that he often gets asked to critique stuff. He mentioned that often there’s an initial flurry of getting all the ideas out. This then followed by a deafening silence as the writer runs out of ideas…
That would appear to be true dear reader!
I’d love to write a sci fi book, the main genre that I read and love. But trying to be original in that space is tricky, or at least feels so to me. I love the far reaching space operas of Peter F Hamilton and would somehow feel short changed if I didn’t create something like that.
I’ve started several times, up to 20 thousand words and then petered out through lack of story line and motivation.
And now there’s twitter which is sadly addictive in my life. And a tad repetitive.
And then lockdown slowly sucking the life out of me. Turns out when you don’t have to take the kids to constant after school activities (not my idea I might add) then there are a few more hours in the day.
I am continuing my epic quest to learn French via the Duolingo app. I’m doing all right, 23 days out of 30 each month, usually missing the weekends, since February. Only about 90 minutes a week but better than nothing. Mind you it does look suspiciously like it’ll take me 3-4 years to cover all the lessons – but that’s the plan.
And then I bought simply piano, hoping to stimulate my son off his screen. But that was vicarious optimism. I’ve always wanted to play piano and I was going to do that after the French. But as we’ve discovered that might take a while. So I should play a bit of piano but I can’t summon the will.
I wrote a medical paper recently, that took forever to do the last 5 per cent but at least it made me do something. That’s in with the editors so I guess that will create some work.
I’m riding my bike plenty but even that is losing its lustre as the lockdown means we have to stick to the same tracks. ( I am very grateful to be able to get to those at least, being shut down in a city can’t be much fun at all…)
The dogs get plenty of walking but that’s a chore when you have to do it.
Work is work…
And the prospect of travel seems a way off, a beer with a friend maybe closer.
I could list the positives in my life, for there are many. But this blog post is about letting some of the ennui out. Maybe by writing them down I lessen their cumulative impact.
So dear reader I hope you are well, I am… Ho Hum…